
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Mush

Today is Valentine's Day. The day of flowers and candy, paper hearts cut out at school, cinnamin candies, and dinner for two. Or maybe on the other end of the spectrum it's a day of just being made that much more aware that you're having dinner for one. And if you're a girl that dinner for one is probably a bucket of chocolate ice cream. The guys usually go for the cereal meal. My preference is mini-wheats. The maple flavored ones.

It's funny how we take a day that is focusing on love, and make it all about the specific romantic, guy and girl, warm fuzzy, kissy, baby-talk kind of love. That kind of love is great. It's very needed. The world would eventually grow old and the human race would go extinct without the babies that come from that kind of love. So hurrah for the ooshie-booshie love. But I think on a day like today we could celebrate more than that specific type of love. I think we could celebrate love in whatever context it may be. A single mom and her baby. Two war vets who have kept contact for 60 years. High school friends. A brother and sister. God?

Lately, the topic of love has been brought to my attention a few times. How nothing else is really worth the value of love. If I'm super smart, but not loving, I've missed it. If I'm really talented, but not loving, I've missed it. If a lot of people like me, but I don't love them, I've missed it. If I do nice things for other people, but don't really truly love them, I've missed it. If I give money to the church, but don't love Jesus, I've missed it. If I have all sorts of spiritual insights and gifts, but not love, I've missed it. Love is the most excellent way. How to be a loving person is the greatest legacy I can pass on to my children. (I don't have children, but when I do ... ) I'm thankful to my parents and extended family for modeling how to be a loving person. I think I've gotten the best upbringing I could ask for. A loving one. I hope I can pass that on.

Thanks to you all who have loved me and loved others when I was watching you. Happy V-Day.


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